December 3, 2020 – On October 5, 2020, United Way Northumberland launched a second call for applications for the Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF). The fund provides financial support to charities and other qualified donees adapting their frontline services to support vulnerable Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government of Canada has released the balance of funding for ECSF, which is being administered in collaboration with United Way Centraide Canada, Community Foundations of Canada, and the Canadian Red Cross.
Today, United Way Northumberland is pleased to share an update on the recipients of this second round of funding. United Way Northumberland received over 15 applications, requesting more than $217,000 for community programs and services that support vulnerable community members. To date, seven organizations were approved for a total of $77,887:
- Community Care Northumberland: multiple programs including their Adopt a Grandparent program, transportation program, Meals on Wheels, Home Help, and holiday support
- Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre: Promotional campaign for enhanced supports, web chat and text, counselling podcasts.
- Green Wood Coalition – Reconnecting Community Phase 2: Professional development and mentoring of peer staff and community volunteer leaders to better serve the population facing crises due to COVID-19
- The Help Centre of Northumberland – Shopping for Seniors: Grocery shopping for seniors at increased risk due to COVID-19
- Local Food for Local Good: Student food programme to at-home learners across Northumberland
- Salvation Army: Christmas Program and COVID-19 Relief Outreaching including food, shelter, and much-needed services with needs expected to rise over the winter months
- YMCA Northumberland – Homework Club: Service to students doing at-home learning and provides support and assistance.
United Way Northumberland is proud to support the important investment of $77,887 into our local communities.
“Canadian charities and non-profit organizations play a vital role in our communities. However, the COVID-19 pandemic is bringing real challenges to these important organizations. The Government of Canada is pleased to support these organizations through the Emergency Community Support Fund so that they can continue to help the most vulnerable members of our communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.” – Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Ahmed Hussen
“The pandemic has exposed deep-rooted issues in our community especially for those that have been most impacted by COVID-19 like kids, seniors, people with disabilities, and those with precarious employment,” says Bobbie Dawson, Executive Director, Northumberland United Way. “During these challenging times, the work of Northumberland United Way and our community partners has never been more important and we are grateful for this investment from the Government of Canada to support those who are struggling in our community. We also continue to rely on the generosity of our community members, to ensure that this year, no one is left behind in Northumberland County.”